Smile Gallery: Cosmetic Dentistry
Smile makeovers through cosmetic dentistry can give you the smile you've always dreamed of. Take a look at these before and after items through our cosmetic services, and book a consultation with our team to find out which makeover option is best for you:
We were happy to transform our patient's smile using full porcelain crowns. He had misshapen teeth with cavities and fractures. We were able to fix his teeth by designing natural-looking porcelain crowns. Everyone was very happy with the results!
This patient did not like her smile due to her front teeth having large discolored fillings and cavities. We removed her old fillings and all cavities and then were able to restore her smile with esthetic porcelain crowns.
This patient lost his front two teeth due to tooth fractures and infections. We restored this patient's teeth with two dental implants, which each had porcelain crowns attached to them. The outcome of the case resulted in a beautiful healthy smile with two fully functional front teeth that the patient can now show off!
This patient had two very old front crowns on his teeth which had cavities and did not match well with the rest of his teeth. We repaired both teeth and bonded two beautiful full ceramic crowns.
This patient had a very large and deep crack running along the center of one of her front teeth, putting her at a high risk of fracturing her tooth. Her front teeth were also uneven with different lengths. This patient had two full porcelain crowns done on her two front teeth creating a beautiful and natural looking smile. Her front teeth are now even in shape and size, and the tooth with the large crack is now protected from fracturing by the crown. We love this patient's new smile!
This patient had two root cavities which were causing her teeth to have a yellower appearance by the gum line and causing extreme cold sensitivity. White fillings were bonded over these tooth roots to protect the teeth and to eliminate the cold sensitivity the patient was experiencing.
This patient was having extreme sensitivity due to tooth abrasions on three teeth by the gumline. Tooth abrasions are a form of tooth wear that occurs from excessive tooth brushing or brushing with too much pressure. We bonded three white fillings that matched her tooth color to seal these abrasions and protect the teeth from further damage.